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児童養護施設 エレクトロニクス アーケードゲーム ワークショップ

東京を拠点とするミュージシャンと東北の方々によるイベント「Tokyo Rocks for Tohoku / Ladies Rock for Tohoku」にて、ご支援をいただいた皆様に感謝いたします。









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TIOM Electronic Arcade Game

「土曜日に学んだ知識やアイディアを月曜日に使ってみよう」という主旨を持ち、大勢の先生方の意見交換の場であるTIOM(Try IT On Monday)にて、ロボットワークショップを行いました。




20161210TIOM-1 20161210TIOM-2 20161210TIOM-3

エレクトロニクス アーケードゲーム プレーオフ










Electronic Arcade Game Playoffs

Buckle your safety belts and start saving your cardboard!

We are excited to announce the opening of registrations for the first annual “Electronic Arcade Game Playoffs.” Inspired by Cain’s Arcade, and as part of the Coding for Life event alongside the Tokyo Indie Game Festival held on May 14th  2017, the playoffs will choose a winning arcade game from multiple teams across Tokyo.


To find out more, contact us here.

Applying schools will enter up to 5 games from teams of 3 to 5 students. A 10 session workshop series is also available where students will follow the design cycle to prototype and iterate upon their games. The best games from each category will be entered into the final playoffs event as a highlight of the Coding for Life event.


Previous workshops with students have produced some incredible learning opportunities and even more collaboration with their communities. Once such example is the Scoreboard Counter Invention as documented by our team.

Students strengthen the skills of problem solving, design iteration, and entrepreneurship through the collaborative project of building an Electronic Arcade. When tasked to use simple materials such as cardboard combined with advanced electronics modules, students prototype fairly advanced concepts present in everyday technology like your car to your washing machine.

Witness students challenging the design process with technology first hand by signing up.

Back 2 Basics

After many years as a part time teacher, I’ve recently moved to a full time position.

As part of this move I’ve found myself in a very low edtech environment with not a lot of funds allocated to changing that.

As I plan my lessons for the year, I decided to not focus on what’s missing but on what I can do with creativity as my main currency.

I doubt I’m the first to use this, but I’m starting from Scratch. It’s free and works on the sluggish pcs that I’ll have to work with.

Also looking at some cheaper micro PCs as well as the new Raspi Zero is only 5$. Not sure if that is the right tool for us right now, but happy to start thinking about easy entry projects.



I’ve also stock piled some great cardboard….just need the right design challenge.

TIOM ロボットワークショップ

「土曜日に学んだ知識やアイディアを月曜日に使ってみよう」という主旨を持ち、大勢の先生方の意見交換の場であるTIOM(Try IT On Monday)にて、ロボットワークショップを行いました。






児童養護施設 ロボットワークショップ






Electronic Arcade workshop @TIS 2015 (Session #3)

In this session we formed groups and followed a schematic to build various version to the same game.  All groups learned a lot while cutting materials, and using creativity to build with a loose specification. Since the fundamental game was planned in advance,  teams were able to insert their own unique style to the finished project. We saw dominos, sharks, and joke discs all adding another dimension to today’s arcade. By the end of the class, ping pong balls were flying around, and many groups were impressed with the results from other teams.


Experience the scenes with more pictures of the building in progress.

Cutting cardboard lesson #1: Underestimate the size of holes, doors, etc. Easy to make them too big!

Electronic Arcade workshop @TIS 2015 (Session #2)

IMG_0207    For our second meeting everyone did the marshmallow challenge.  Each group had innovative ideas and different methods of reaching the goal of making the highest possible tower. The marshmallow challenge showed everyone the value in teamwork, some basic engineering, and assumptions…who knew marshmallows were heavy if they are sitting on top of spaghetti?!

A great activity for all ages, and often used in business and team building situations. Why not try one? Here is a TED talk on the marshmallow challenge. After implementing a few of these, I have seen the same issues over and over. Many people build very intricate structures that are sound until the last few minutes when they hoist the marshmallow on top. The ideas that it is indeed ‘heavy’ is a lesson for many.

Expanding those building skills and using the items from home to continue the concept of “no bad ideas”,  littleBits were handed out and allowed exploration of possibilities to build any mini game possible. The presentation of resulting of games like “race car pinball”, “drawing contest”, “whack-a-domino”, and “secret handshake” were fantastic to watch the creativity implemented in such a short time.

Check out the creative learning in action with more photos

Electronic Arcade workshop @TIS 2015 (Session #1)

Maker Toolset is back in action!  We are at TIS for a new session of one of the popular clubs we have run there: The Electronic Arcade club. We kicked off the term with some personal introductions and an answer to, “What was the last thing you made?”  We were excited to see that this group is very active in creating the world around them, whether it is from Legos, Minecraft, food or littleBits…this group is excited about making!

From there we moved on to an exploration of the basic rules of operation during the club. Top of the list was, “There are no bad ideas at first.” This led to a discussion about how we would like everyone to feel comfortable putting their ideas on the table without fear of judgment and then allow the opportunity for others to add to or improve. Everyone should help everyone make something great. We gave the class a short version of the D-School’s rules for Brainstorming (great rules for all ages!). I will put them in their original form below.

1. Defer Judgment. Don’t block someone else’s idea if you don’t like it…put it on the whiteboard and maybe you’ll be able to build on it later.

2. Go for volume. Getting to 100 ideas is better than 10, no matter what you initially think about the “quality”. Try setting a goal for the number of ideas you’ll get to in a certain amount of time to provide some stoke.

3. One conversation at a time. When different conversations are going on within a team, no one can focus.

4. Be visual. Sketch your ideas out for your teammate. It will communicate them more clearly than words alone, plus you might inspire some crazy new ideas.

5. Headline your idea. Make it quick and sharp, then move on to the next one.

6. Build on the Ideas of others. This leverages the perspectives of diverse teams and can be especially useful when you feel like you’re stuck.

7. Stay on topic. Your idea for an edible cell phone is awesome, but not during a brainstorm on making opera more exciting for children.

8. Encourage wild ideas. The crazier the better…you never know where your team might be able to take it. (See #1 and #6).


Finally, we reviewed the anatomy of littleBits, which colours held what function and tackled our first design challenge. The resourcefulness and idea exchanges were awesome and we look forward to working with this group of young inventors. We also watched this video as inspiration for the kind of inventions that await. A great start to a great session.